Meeting Miss Susan...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Remember a few weeks ago I told everydoggie I was going to have a visit from my Mom's friend Susan from Connecticut? Well, Mom FINALLY got around to downloading the pictures for me. YAY!

It was a GREAT visit. Miss Susan is so nice and got right on the floor to play with me and rub my belly! And what's best...she brought me LOTS and LOTS of prezzies!!!

I (Ruby's Mom: WE, Ruby. It was for both of us) got a GIANT gift bag filled with snackies, a beautiful pearl collar, some good smelling doggie wipes and a bunch of papery stuff which my Mom says were for her, but I think were really for me too. I (Ruby's Mom: WE, Ruby. ), oops I mean we, also got a goodie bag for Miss Susan and her doggie Phoebe. Phoebe is a really pretty mini-pinscher...I think if we lived close by each other we'd be really good friends and play all the time.

Here's the 'thank you' pee-mail from Phoebe to me and my Mom...Phoebe is so sweet...

Mom and Miss Susan took lots of pictures, so I decided to put a little album together. Take a look...

It really was such a fun visit. I hope Miss Susan comes to visit again real soon or better yet, I can go visit her and get to run and play with Phoebe!!!!


23 Responses to "Meeting Miss Susan..."

Duke said... 4:26 PM

I just love that pearl collar! It's so pretty and it looks so nice on you!

Love ya lots,

Avery said... 5:56 PM

Hi Ruby! Thanks for visiting my blog and signing my guestbook. You sure are a cutie! You look very pretty in your pearl collar.


Suki & Joey said... 6:20 PM

Seriously, girl, I am LOVING the pearl necklace, and no, I would never hate you for your beauty! It's something we have in common :)

Those kitties look positively vicious! Hehehe
Puggy kisses

Anonymous said... 6:44 PM

What nice gifts! Miss Susan seems very nice. I think she should come here and give me things. ;) Love, Martha

Liberty Doo Dah said... 6:47 PM

Hey Ruby!
What a very pretty girl you are! Sounds like Miss Susan is the bomb! I mean....I like anyone who brings me gifts!! Woo! and you got some good ones too! AND belly rubs!

PS: Thanks for visiting my blog! I've added you to my friend list!

Joe Stains said... 7:11 PM

wow you got a MILLION pressies!!! I cant even believe it. Phoebe is a cutie!

Boo Casanova said... 8:04 PM

ruby, how spoil are you! look at that pile of presents you got. i'm so jealous! not just the cats but me!

wet wet lick


Asta said... 9:39 PM

I'm glad you had a cheer-up visit with miss Susan..she seems awfully nice and wow, great prezzies!
We're all still pretty sad I think, and having good friends to play with helps an awful lot.
Thanks for visiting my blog so faithfully Ruby
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 12:06 AM

Hey Ruby, what a good haul of presents. Miss Susan is a good friend to have! Phoebe is cute, but those cats look evil! J x

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:37 AM

Hi Ruby, thanks for the beautiful tribute to Fufu. I like your photo album but the evil cats make me nervous

~ Girl girl

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:13 AM

Wowie, you look so pretty with your new necklace!

Miss Susan & Phoebe look so nice!

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:23 AM

Love the necklace, very pretty.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said... 5:01 AM

I NEED a pearl collar. Right NOW! Mom!!!! What's a diva dog without a pearl collar???

Miss Susan looks very nice and I can almost see Ruby dancing around her sayng hello. I would have been jumping on her head.


Peanut said... 5:31 AM

You got a ton of presents. don't let your mom fool you into making you think some of them were hers.

Lorenza said... 6:06 AM

Hi Ruby. I love your pearl collar. Sure you got a lot of presents.
Enjoy them, I mean, of course, you and your mom!

Lorenza said... 6:13 AM

Ruby, its me again. I want Apolo win too!

Ronin_The_Pug said... 6:50 AM

What an awesome photo album! Oh you have pearls!!! You are so cuteee!!! And look at Phoebe! Very cool album!

Anonymous said... 9:40 AM

Ruby, the pearl collar AWESOME! Hey, mom helped my post that recipe to my blog. Check it out :)

Hugs, Sitka

Liza said... 9:41 AM

HHMMMMM! I want a pearly collar and fun visitors!!

Nice slide show Miss Ruby!!

Have a happy day - Dory

Anonymous said... 10:02 AM


Tadpole said... 12:15 PM

Oh Ruby, you look like the timeless Audry Hepburn in those pearly - gorgeous!

Anonymous said... 12:16 PM

Wow - what a GREAT visit! Phoebe does look like a little diva in her boa; does she have a blog too?

Balboa said... 6:29 PM

That's a very pretty collar, looks you two had lots of fun!!!!!

Your mommy and Miss Susan seem very nice!

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