I started to get a little worried this morning. Mom was up and dressed just like a work day...and then she LEFT!!!! How can that be??? It's Sleepy Sunday and she's supposed to spend it with ME!!!! Luckily about 1 FoodTV show later (Tanner may watch Days of Our Lives, but I'm a FoodTV girl) Mom came home! Whew...that was a close one!
Note From Mom: I did go to work this morning...have some testing to do that I can only do at the office, but I couldn't get it :( Oh well, I better relax today because that means an early morning and possibly a late night tomorrow!!!
Thank Dog Mom is back!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!!
Your Mum is so cool and nice she would never leave you Ruby!
lotsaluv Marvin and special Scottish licks to your Mama!!
A scary moment in the morning!
Glad your Mom came back soon!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
you look sooo cozy, i wish I could join you..I love the foodie shows too.
I'm glad that youw Mom didn't leave fow the whole sleepy sunday
smoochie kisses
that was a close call, stupid work!!
Hi Ruby!
So glad your mom came home for Sleepy Sunday. I hate when my parents leave on weekends, really throws me off and then I get my days confused...
A good rest is always wonderful. Comfy blankie.