The 'Official' Baseball Card

Friday, June 19, 2009

It seems that the First Doggie has gotten his own official baseball card! How can that be...does he even play baseball??? Well if Bo can have a baseball card, so can I...

Ruby Bleu
Ruby is an accomplished pilot and snackie eater residing is the Sacramento area.

Breed: Boston Terrier

Family: Mom, Auntie Yvette, Auntie Kelly, Auntie Kathy, Nanny, Auntie Pearl, Auntie Joey, Cousin Danny and Sissy Sophia. Quasi-Cousins Bob and Cooper.

Unofficial title: First Dog of my House, and of course Wonder Ruby!

Birth: April 9, 2006 in Missouri

First Day at my new House: August 1, 2008

Hobbies: Flying my DWB friends to pawties, talking walks, eating snackies and roaching in mud.

Goal is to me the First (and only) Dog in my house.

Favorite exercise: Running and chasing birdies

Favorite food: Blueberries and Bully Sticks

Did you know?
My Auntie Joey's doggie Sophia is MY ACTUAL sissy!
I was named for a song.
I love, love, love any kind of fruit but 'specially blueberries and wallymelon
I run super fast.
I have a great big swimming pool, but don't like it one bit!

Hey Pups, Kitties and Hammies...what would YOUR baseball card say???


14 Responses to "The 'Official' Baseball Card"

Mr. Puggle® said... 12:53 PM

hey ruby bleu! cool card. very cute picture. sorry you don't like the pool. btw, whatcha' doin' with ketchup on your hot dog? hahahah

Asta said... 1:11 PM

You absolutely desewve a baseball cawd of youw own!
I wish I could see you wunning in pawson and play chasey wif y ou.
I hope you awe getting all those yummie summew fwuits and enjoying being the one and only Fiwst Doggie in the house
love and smoochie kisses

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 1:30 PM

well I dont know anydog thing about baseball being so Scottish but I know I love you.

Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Duke said... 3:48 PM

How cool that you have your own baseball card, Ruby!
We had no idea that you loved blueberries that much! Now we know!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said... 5:48 PM

What song were you named after, Ruby?
I think my baseball card would say I'm too lazy to actually play baseball.
Murphy Dogg

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:11 PM

Wow've been in your house almost a year...and you still don't like your pool???

WHY NOT?????

We love you card ya made...hey...we just had our first blueberries this week...we've never had 'em before...they rock!!!

Barkin' at ya sweet Girl!!!

Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

Lorenza said... 7:22 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your Baseball Card is pawesome!
I guess mine would not be as interesting as yours!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 4:48 AM

Wonder Rubes! You're famous! I knew it would only be a matter of time!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 7:59 AM

Hi Ruby!
Congrats on your own baseball card! Your stats are very impressive!
Are you named after a Pixies song?
I am a snackie eater too, I wonder if that is enough to get me a baseball card?

Joe Stains said... 10:31 AM

You look MUCH MUCH Better!!

Stanley said... 11:58 PM

YO, Ruby Bleu!!

I LOVE your baseball card, girl. I too am a lover of fruit... especially berries and nanners and apples! I'm thinking that I could come nowhere close to your card so I'm not even gonna try.

I wonder how much your card is worth on the open market (bet it's a LOT of bones and cheese)!

Goober love & smooches,

Anonymous said... 12:35 AM

ruby, ruby...
my human swoons over you everytime we visit your blog!
she has a soft spot for bosties, you know...

i was given an interesting award yesterday, and would like to pass it on to you, so please come by my blog to pick it up!


Dexter said... 9:14 AM

WOW! Now I know all about you. That is a true collector's item.


Zeus said... 8:45 AM

I'm sure your baseball card will become an immediate collector's item! I loved the details listed on the back as well. I found the detail pertaining to the fruit interesting, and now, I'm wondering if Ares might like fruit also. Hmm... ;)