There's is lots of playing, lots of swimming (Bob), lots of hiding (Cooper) and lots of nappies!
Enjoy your Sleepy Sunday! I know I will!!!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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5:54 AM | 15 Belly Rubs
9:48 AM | 9 Belly Rubs
7:00 AM | 13 Belly Rubs
6:24 AM | 14 Belly Rubs
6:21 AM | 16 Belly Rubs
7:14 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
3:05 PM | 5 Belly Rubs
7:46 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
9:52 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
11:38 AM | 6 Belly Rubs