Sleepy Sunday #11

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Sleepy Sunday! Today's guest stars are none other than Ike and Odin...

Ike would probably beg to differ that this is an appropriate S.S. shot, but I think it is sweet.

Have a great Sunday pups! This week is my Mom's barkday...let me know if you have any good ideas of what I should get her. I was thinking some bully sticks???


8 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #11"

Mack said... 7:21 AM

Happy (soon to be) birthday Momma Michele!

Ruby, I think having you would be the best birthday present anybody could ever ask for!!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:09 AM

Happy Birthday Michele! and yes, Ruby, Bully Sticks are quite the thing! I am sure she would be very happy with this kind of present!

My Human Bro's birthday is today, a good month indeed for a birthday!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxx

Happy Birthday Michele from Jeannie tooooooooo! xxxxx

Jen and Suki said... 9:16 AM

Ruby, please say happy barkday to your mom. I think some bully sticks will hit the spot, but make sure to get them a little wet and slobbery before you give them to her. You know, to help her out. My peeps LOVE it and get all squealy when I bring them my chewy bully sticks!

Moco said... 10:10 AM

Happy Birthday to Ruby's mom. We think that some pigs ears would be good also.
Great pic of Ike.

Duke said... 2:41 PM

That picture of Ike and Odin is just precious!
We think your mom needs ice cream for her birthday, Ruby! Three different flavors should do it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 9:54 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Ike's picture is great!
I am sure your mom will love to taste your bully sticks!
Kisses and hugs

Clover said... 10:40 AM

Hi Ruby!
Super cute guest pic. :)
How exciting that it is your Mom's barkday this week! I hope you will let us know when, so we can wish her Happy barkday on the day. Hehe.
Bully sticks is a really thoughtful idea, Ruby. Maybe you should pair it with a Starbucks gift card! That would be perfect I think.
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said... 9:27 AM

Happy barkday Ruby's Mom!

Ruby...I think your mom needs some stuffies!!