Sleepy Sunday #10

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Turn up the sound and you'll get to hear me sleeping!

OK, so it's not the bestest video...but Mom thinks my little sleepy sounds are very cute...whatever.

We hope you are enjoying Joey Palooza and having a great weekend!



13 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #10"

Gus said... 6:26 AM

we are gonna play that video for muzzer, you gave her a biiiig smile. she likes to listen to you sleeping.


Mack said... 7:20 AM

Rubykins you sound just like me! Do you like to snore? My mom says I snore a bunch.

Lorenza said... 2:42 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I liked your "noisy" video!
Have a pawesome sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Clover said... 3:04 PM

Aw, Ruby, you do have cute sleepy noises! This is one of my favourite sleepy Sunday posts!
Love Clover xo

Duke said... 4:02 PM

Awwwwwwwww, you were sleeping like a baby, Ruby! We totally enjoyed your video!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said... 4:55 PM

Ruby, it took me a minute to find you in that pretty pink blanket! You look very cozy!

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Bella the Boxer said... 7:28 PM

We had the same idea today! Check out my blog for pics.

xoxo - Bella

Asta said... 8:39 PM

Ruby sweet
You look so lovely in that soft blankie..I love it, and you sound as sweet as you look..Mommi was aaaaawing all ovew
smoochie kisses

Dexter said... 5:35 AM

Aw, you are so cute all sleeping and snoring.


Amber-Mae said... 6:16 AM

Sounds like you're snoring. I snore louder than you when I sleep. Well, sometimes especially when I'm dreaming about food...

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kelly said... 6:35 AM

Awww Ruby girl! That video made my Momma smaile a big cheesy smile.

Jessica said... 2:18 PM

Hi Ruby.... Thanks for stopping by our Mom's blog to say Hi. We miss all of you and think of you often. Mom lets us make appearances every once in a while on her blog. We are doing well and so glad that spring is on the way. Take care Ruby!! And you look as wonderful as ever!

Love Seadra and Zoe

Stanley said... 11:03 PM

Ruby Bug!

Your sweet sleeping snuffles make me giggle, and they're stinkin' cute... like YOU... in that fuzzy Power Puff Girl's blanket. RUBY POWER!

Goober love & smooches,