Writer's Block

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hey pups...sorry for being MIA lately. Think I'm suffering from a bit of writer's block and am feeling a little bleu. At least I have my new friend to keep me company...


This is Dana (Scully). Santa Paws got her for me from Punk Rock Dog. She's just the best. I'm hoping she can help inspire me. Maybe I need to plan a trip on Aire Ruby or something? Valentine's Day is coming up...


19 Responses to "Writer's Block"

Mack said... 6:25 PM

Yes my love,
Valentine's Day is coming up and I have been doing some shopping!!

We love your toy's name!

Lorenza said... 7:56 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Those things happen from time to time!
Yes, we need a trip!
Dana is great! I like it! I hope she helps you!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 8:31 PM

What a lovely fwiend Ruby..pleez don't be blue..we all love you and life wouldn't be the same if ouw Ruby wasn't awound..sometimes a bweak is needed fow the cweative juices to stawt flowing, but pleez don't make it ling
smoochie kisses

Bae Bae said... 1:49 AM

Your new friend looks cute. ;)

~ Bae

Clover said... 5:44 AM

Hi Ruby!
I know just how you feel... I think I have writer's block too.
You look so cute with your new friend! I sure hope that there is a Valentine's day trip on AireRuby... even if I don't have a Valentine!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said... 7:00 AM

Oh yes, we would love to take an aire ruby V-day ride!! Count us in!

Kelly said... 7:18 AM

Ruby, don't be sad! We all go through ups and downs in blogging, and that's okay! We love you just the same!

Petra said... 8:54 AM

I feel alot like you do, Ruby. I blame it on too much holiday happenings and lack of sunshine and lots of yucky weather and whatever else I can think of...

Valentine's Day is something to look forward to (and Motch & PA's anniversary!)

Amber-Mae said... 10:57 AM

Nice toy!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Puppies said... 11:04 AM

Sounds like you need to go see your Mack for Valentine's!! maybe that will cheer you up!!
The Puppies

Duke said... 3:36 PM

A Valentine's day pawty sounds like fun, Ruby! Dana is very cute!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 3:49 PM

oh my Jeannie gets the same problem sometimes! No worries, she says, "nothing to say, so don't blog", well is her motto nowadays!

If you are planning an Air Ruby flight for Valentine's day, please include me in the trip.

Not been anywheres for such a long time. Paris would be romantic and rather nice, plus not too far from home for me!

love you lotsa!

Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Huskee and Hershey said... 11:43 PM

Hi Ruby,
Hmmm.. maybe you need a little TLC from Mack to cheer you up a little. :)

Murphy Dogg said... 6:23 AM

Hey Ruby,
Glad to see you're loving on your new Scully!
If you're planning a V-day getaway, think I can hitch a ride to Indiana to visit my girl Dixie?
Murphy Dogg

Dexter said... 9:36 AM

Just seeing your lovely face is all that is required.


Peanut said... 5:35 PM

Sorry about the writers block. A trip would be good

leah said... 10:50 PM

Awww. I know how that feels, Ruby. Hope you start feeling better soon.

This may cheer your mom up: The archives where I'll be doing my internship DOES have some Frank Lloyd Wright stuff! (doesn't look like a lot, though.) Here's a list of the stuff in the collection:

CoCo said... 9:05 PM

Valentine Day sure is coming up. Your scully looks like a good preview of th special day! Now, does it have a squeaky on all four sides of the cross bones...if so, I need me one of those!


Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 8:18 AM

That scully is super cool. I went out onto their site and I saw Joey Stains!!!
You can come visit me in Vegas if you are bleu...fresh desert aire might do ya soem good : )
