Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #52
Sunday, December 27, 2009

6:16 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
Day 12
Friday, December 25, 2009

On the 12th day of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

12:01 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Day 11
Thursday, December 24, 2009

On the 11th day of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
A letter to the guy who is Jolly!!!
How have you been? Me, I've been great except for that little eye incident back in August. Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know what I'm thinking about for Christmas. Now normally I have a huge long list of things that I want, but this year...well...I just want all my friends and family to be happy and healthy. Can you do that? I've been a really good girl!!! Mom was pretty impressed I was thinking like such a grown up pup girl. Anyhowl...whatever you can do would be great. Far too many of my pup pals have been sick or gone to the bridge this year...and well, maybe you can lend a paw on that.
My best to Mrs. Santa Paws and all the elves. Safe travels tonight.
Lots of Licks, Ruby Bleu
P(ee)S: Also, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe you could leave a bully stick or two...ok???
7:48 AM | 3 Belly Rubs
Day 10
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the 10th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
Baking with my Auntie!!!
Hello my pups...bet you thought I forgots about day 10...no, no, no...I was just waiting for Auntie Yvette to come visit so we could start baking!!! And baking we did...cookies and breads oh my!!! One thing that was mysteriously missing from the cooking agenda...doggie treats. Maybe they will be doing those later to surprise me!!!
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
I also hear there will be the baking of the cheesycake and maybe brownies too for tomorrow!!!
5:47 PM | 6 Belly Rubs
Day 9
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the 9th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
Howliday Cards --- that are just for me (and some for Mom too...like only 2)!!!

Can you see them??? How about from this angle...

6:12 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Day 8
Monday, December 21, 2009

Some fun holiday trivia from Me (well, actually my Mom)

2) I didn't realize it, but it's not just about Santa Paws...there are other holiday characters out there from around the world. And some of them look mighty scawie that's for sure. Check out that Krampus guy...I'm sure going to be good from now on!!!
3) The first (and only) holiday song to reach #1 on the billboard charts was "The Chipmunk Song"! Really, me and my friends can sure sing better than those silly little chipmunks! Here are a few other holiday 'firsts'.
4) Did you ever wonder where candy canes came from? And I always thought they came from Safeway!!!
5) And last but not least...here's a quiz about the 12 Days of Christmas...not to be confused by my annual 12 posts which of course change every year to keep it interesting - hee hee hee!!!
I hope you enjoyed our little trip down trivia lane.
6:19 AM | 6 Belly Rubs
Day 7
Sunday, December 20, 2009

On the 7th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
An Almost Sleepy Pix of Me!!!

Not sleeping yet...but I will be very soon. Been VERY busy sleepervising Mom and the continued making of the prezzies. If I don't keep en eye on her, she tries to take a nap and there is knitting, baking and wrapping to be done!!! W00t!!!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
6:30 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Day 6
Saturday, December 19, 2009

After deep consultation with my Mom we decided to go 'lite' on the Christmas decorations this year. Between Mom working, all the knitting of the prezzies and me sleepervising there just wasn't much time. Mom was trying to not decorate ANYTHING, but I just wouldn't have it. So we compromised and just put up a few special decorations, our stockings and my Ruby Tree - W00t - W00t - W00t!!! I mean we had to put up my Ruby Tree to show off my brandy new BT hornaments...let's take a look...
First we have this cute little fella...

Next we have this one...

Last but not least the most special hornament of 2009...

And here is my tree...

6:30 AM | 13 Belly Rubs
Day 5
Friday, December 18, 2009

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
6:30 AM | 6 Belly Rubs
Day 4
Thursday, December 17, 2009

1. Publish a post on your blog - referring who awarded you.
2. Share 5 things you like to do .
3. Share or pass this award to 10 friends.
1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Peppermint Hot Chocolate!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped
3. Colored lights on the tree/house or white? Tiny white lights on tree...none on house
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No
5. When do you put your Christmas decorations up? They are still not up ;)
6. Favorite holiday dish? Mom's turkey stuffing...only have around Thanksgiving/Christmas. My mint brownies which I ONLY make for Christmas.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? The year I got my Mrs. Beasley doll...I still have her (in pieces) in a box in my garage!
8. When did you learn the truth about Santa? There’s no Santa? Really???
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As kids, we could always open one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas day. I still do that.
10. How do you decorate a tree? With lots of different types of ornaments. No two the same. When I travel or friends travel, I ask them to bring me something back so I have LOTS of very fun and unique ornaments.
11. Snow! Love it or dread it? I live in CA now to be away from the snow!!!!
12. Can you ice skate? Many, many, many, many years ago...I thought I was Dorothy Hamill, but I really wasn't. Not even close. I could barely stand up (LOL)
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? See question #7
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Right now, getting some much needed time off!
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? my mint brownies
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Eating bagels, lox and potato perogies on Christmas Eve...a blending of my Mom and Dad's families.
17. What tops your tree? When the tree is up either a Tweety Bird angel OR a Tazmanian Devil angel...I alternate ;)
18. Which do you prefer-Giving or Receiving? Giving...and as long as they come out nice, I like to make something...seems more personal.
19. Favorite Christmas song? Carol of the Bells, but the instrumental, not with vocals.
20. Candy Canes-Yuck or Yum? YUM!!!
21. Favorite Christmas show? Charlie Brown Christmas...I can so relate to Charlie Brown!
22. Saddest Christmas song? I wouldn't say it was the saddest, but Silent Night always makes me cry for some reason
Now back to Ruby...
Thanks Mom...how very enlightening ;)
6:30 AM | 7 Belly Rubs
Day 3
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the 3rd Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee..
Dancing with my Macky

6:30 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
Day 2
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Happy Barkday to Bob and my Macky!!!
Bob and I always have lots and lots of fun when he visits. Bob's really a good guy, because sometimes I'm not very nice to him or share my toys with him, but he still hangs out with me!!! Happy Barkday Bob...thanks for being my friend, putting up with me and I'm so happy your are feeling better - W00t!
Now I know you all know who this handsome fella is...it's my Macky and not only is it his barkday, but it is two years tomorrow that he started blogging!!! I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend!!! Happy barkday my love - sending you lots and lots of licks and snuggles - W00t!!!
6:30 AM | 9 Belly Rubs
Day 1
Monday, December 14, 2009

On the 1st post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
What's been going on with ME!!!!
Well, I hate to admit, life at Chez Ruby Bleu has been kinda boring lately. No big adventures, no excitering vistors. Just me and Mom hanging out. And Mom working lots and lots :(
Actually the last few weeks or so, have been a flurry of activities (and speaking of flurries...we gots a little snow in Sac-of-Tomatos last week)! I've been very busy supervising the making of the Christmas gifties!!! We've been making scarves and sweaters and blankies and monkeys - W00t. I asked Mom to let me post some pictures of what we have made, but she said I needed to wait so I wouldn't spoil any Christmas giftie surprises...sorry.
Next we are gearing up to decorate (I know, I know...December 14th and still no tree up...not sure WHAT Mom is waiting for) and we are going to be baking soon too - W00t!!! That means some major taste testing for me - W00t-W00t!!!
Also, I'm very excitered because this is Mom's last week of work for the rest of the year...actually she says she still needs to work, but she's just going to do it at home...with me!!! That's a pretty nice thing to look forward to, huh?
As you can see...things have been pretty low key for us...but that's OK, anytime I get to snuggle with my Mom (even if she is sitting on the couch reading her work email or knitting) is time well spent for me!!!
Anyhowl...that's about it...Mom is getting ready to knit some more which means there's some yarn for me to munch on!!!! See ya tomorrow for Day 2!!!

6:30 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #48
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Any howl, I have a HUGE favor to ask...can you please send some major healing vibes to my best buddy Bob? He's having tummy problems and may have to have an operation!!!! Mom and I are waiting to hear and we are really worried. We're also worried about Wally too who has been feeling very poorly the last few days. I know we've been sending lots and lots of healing vibes around...it's amazing we don't all run out!!!
6:12 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Thursday, December 10, 2009

1:11 PM | 17 Belly Rubs
I knew it all along...
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
“Several longitudinal studies have shown that exposure to certain domestic animals, for example, indoor dogs, during a person’s early life (even possibly before he or she is born) is associated with strong protection againstI always knew we were getting a bad rap on that one!!!asthma and asthma-related conditions later in life,” Serrine Lau, a member of the research team said.
6:07 AM | 15 Belly Rubs
Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am very thankful today for my stuffies, my snackies, my Mom and all of my DWB friends!
Have a great day!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee)S: I gots my other two surprises...and they were PAWSOME!!! Can you guess what they are??? One is yellow and likes to play bitey face with me and the other is brown and likes my garage!!!
7:41 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do YOU think this looks like a good surprise???

Oh no, this can't be good...

Will some doggie please help me?????

Please...it's cold...

Mom says I have another surprise coming tomorrow...actually two surprises. If they are anything like this one, I'm not sure I want it!!!
7:43 AM | 16 Belly Rubs
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Love Ruby & Michele
9:00 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #45

I got 2 wonderful surprises so far this weekend and I've been told there are more to come this week - W00t!!!
1) Mom told me she's home ALL WEEK!!!! Can you believe it? I know I hardly can...she's been working so hard lately that she really deserves this and SO DO I!!!! Maximum snuggle time here we come!
2) Next surprise was that Auntie Yvette came to visit me yesterday!!!! I haven't seen her for over a week! I just loves it when she comes over and gives me my belly rubs.
So I guess surprise # 3 is coming later today and then there will be more this week....OMD, I can hardly wait...I wonder what they will be? I better go nap (and dream lots of pawsitive thoughts for Snickers) and rest up for the rest of my surprises!!!! Happy Sleepy Sunday friends!!!!
4:08 AM | 2 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #???
Sunday, November 15, 2009

OK, my crazy Mom lost the Sleepy Sunday count...it can't possibly be week #50...what will I do with her. Still thinking good thoughts for Snickers...let's hear it for the power of the paw - W00t!
7:40 AM | 9 Belly Rubs
Friday, November 13, 2009

9:00 AM | 8 Belly Rubs