Sleepy Sunday #41

Sunday, December 07, 2008

OK, OK, OK...I know, I haven't been around. Mom is feeling better tho' and we've just been usual. We promise we'll be back this's almost the 12 Posts of Christmas you know - W00t!!! But for now, I leave you with this...
ahhh, a nice sleepy Sunday..enjoy your day!

PS - Petey is hosting a pawty on AireRuby. Check out his bloggy for details and if you want to join the fun, just leave me a comment!


24 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #41"

Mango the Maltese kiddo said... 6:55 AM

Wonder Ruby,
I never fly Ruby Air before, I love to be on the pawty this time.
Rub your belly 100 times.
(Mack calls you beautiful lady, he's so right!)

Mack said... 6:59 AM

Did someone say pawty??
Count me in pretty lady!

The WriggleButts said... 9:12 AM

I'm sleepy too ;)


Lorenza said... 9:17 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Glad to hear your Mom is feeling better.
Have a Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

PS Party?? Count me in please!

Asta said... 10:39 AM

Get some good west..I hope youw visit was happy and wondewful! I hope to see mowe of you doowing the holidays
love and smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said... 10:46 AM

Sign us up for 2 seats!

Unknown said... 2:14 PM

Oh boy oh boy!

The grand holiday tour of international decorations and then a knock-down, drag-out party -- and all before Mommy comes home!

Sign me up!

Your pal,


Dexter said... 4:22 PM

Ruby - I'm going to pass on Petey's party. I have learned that the Mango can't take all that terrier action. You look so calm on you sleepy Sundays...


Noah the Airedale said... 1:09 AM

Count us in for Petey's pawty Ruby.
Happy napping.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Harry said... 1:39 AM

Oh Ruby, you always look like you're having the best sleeps ever, in fact...yawn...I think....yawn...I'll have one too!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Ronin_The_Pug said... 2:24 AM

OH MY GOD!!! YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! Love this photo!! Cute!
Oh humans... always busy...

Duke said... 2:47 AM

You look so sweet, Ruby!
Mom comes home today so we'll wait till she comes home so we can talk about this pawty together! We'll be back in touch!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said... 3:07 AM

Nap well. I am always up for a ride on AireRuby.

Anonymous said... 7:43 AM

Hi Ruby! I've never been on an airplane before, but I'm hoping to sneak out and join you. Oh boy! Please reserve one seat for me, but is it okay if I don't stay in my seat and I snuffle under all the seats looking for crumbs instead?


Amber-Mae said... 8:03 AM

Sleep tight!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emily and Ike said... 10:09 AM

Sleepy Sunday always makes me want to stop typing and nap!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 1:11 PM

Well as a newby, I would like to attend a pawty, certainly!

Your trips used to be the best, I remember the first one very well ;0)

love and licks, Marvin xxxx

Clover said... 6:16 PM

Hi Ruby,
Happy belated sleepy Sunday! You look so cute and comfy there. :)
Glad your mom is feeling better! I am looking forward to the 12 days of Christmas.
Love Clover xo

Randi said... 7:27 PM

Aww Ruby! You look like such a little angel all snug & sleepy!

love & licks,

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 8:35 PM

Oh Ruby, you are sooo cute. And PLEASE, we would like 2 seats. Mom isn't alot of fun right now and she won't even know we are gone!!!
pee ess hay ruby ok anok if petrapotpie goez, cood we sit togever agin???
hi 5s

Bae Bae said... 1:52 AM

Yeah.. a nap sounds nice now

~ Bae

Stanley said... 3:24 AM

Hey, Ruby Bug!

How many of us pups out here do you suppose are suffering from RWS (Ruby Withdrawal Syndrome)? We understand about busy/lazy hoomans, but C'MON, woman! We need to hear from our Ruby!

Now that I've ranted at your mama, please give her a nice goober smooch from me to smooth things over. K?

Goober love & smooches,

Petra said... 9:53 AM

We are so busy, too, Ruby. Baking, shopping, wrapping gifts, you name it, we're doing it. It's tiring but fun.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 11:24 AM

Oh Ruby...three seats please!! That pawty sounds fantabulous!!

Yes, Mumsie spent the mornin' out there RUINING my tunnel...she dragged rocks, carried heavy buckets of gravel, then covered the whole thing in with mulch...I may just move the tunnel over a little...heh heh heh...she was covered in mud when she came in and was quite grumpy...I kept hearin' her say stuff like have to outsmart that little dog...won't happen...never!

