Day 8

Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the eighth post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
Another sleepy pix of me...yipee!!!

Another Sunday, another sleepy's good when things are predictable, right? We'll we've been very busy decorating and cookie making and visitor waiting!!! That's right...I'm getting a visitor late tonight (that is why I need my sleep). My Auntie Kathy is coming to spend Christmas with me and Mom again. Oh, I just can't wait...I better rest up.




9 Responses to "Day 8"

Mack said... 7:19 AM

Yay! Auntie Kathy is coming to visit! Please give her some extra kisses for me.
I was finally able to download the disco dance- WOW - that was fun!!

Have a great and restful Sunday my Rubykins,

Your Macky

Amber-Mae said... 8:27 AM

Have fun with your Auntie! She must be so kool!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said... 9:56 AM

Get rested up, Ruby! You need all your energy to have fun with Mom and Auntie Kathy!!
Love Clover xo

Lorenza said... 10:06 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Yes, rest now and have lots of fun later with your Auntie!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said... 11:12 AM

ok, its time for me to nap too!

Moco said... 2:09 PM

Take a good nap so you will be able to Aunt Kathy up all night playing.

Duke said... 3:49 PM

We can't wait to see what kind of cookies you've been baking, Ruby! How nice that Aunt Kathy is spending Christmas with you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Randi said... 7:45 PM

Oh Ruby! You look like a sleeping angel!

love & licks,

Bella the Boxer said... 8:56 PM

Ruby, darling, you're glamorous even when you are sleeping!! And your 12 Posts of Christmas is classy, as usual!!

xoxo - Bella