Sleepy Sunday #7

Sunday, February 24, 2008


25 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #7"

Mack said... 2:03 PM

My Ruby is soooooo tired!

Wish I was there to nap right beside you!

PeeS: Did you happen to watch Animal Planet this morning when they had "Breed All About It" on?
It was all about US! And how great and stuff Bostons are. Now my mom wants a baby Boston. Dad said no. Haaaa!

Anonymous said... 2:46 PM


I saw Animal Planet this morning and went on the rescue web site.

Tell Mom I will take one please


Ralph said... 3:24 PM

You look so snuggly in there!


Gus said... 3:50 PM

That is a stupendous picture of you Ruby! We love it.


Poppy said... 4:51 PM

It's a Ruby-filled chocolate doughnut!!!


Lorenza said... 5:51 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Another great sleepy sunday picture! I hope you and your mom had a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said... 7:00 PM

I love sleepy Sundays!! You look so cosy in that pic, Ruby!

By the way, my wedding with Baby is back on and will need Aire-Ruby's services on 14March..

Huskee Boy

PerfectTosca said... 7:51 PM

Me too! I like slept allllll day!

Anonymous said... 9:51 PM

Aww Ruby you look so sweet all tucked in!


Duke said... 2:18 AM

You look so cozy all snuggled in there, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said... 3:53 AM

All wrapped up & kept warm. Must be cold there!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jean M Fogle said... 4:45 AM

Ruby, It must have been cold out, you look nice and toasty!

Myeo said... 6:34 AM

Oh you are so cuddled up with the blankie. So cute!

Ruby, Huskee and me have reschedule our wedding on 14 March.

Boy n Baby

Emily and Ike said... 10:40 AM

I have pretty much the same blankie!

Weeny&Daisy said... 11:29 AM

Aww Ruby! You look so adorapuggle all snuggled up! hope you had a nice nap!

Love W and D xx xx

Petra said... 11:58 AM

I can see why you'd stay bundled up in that blanket all day. I can feel the softness and the love!

Balboa said... 3:05 PM

you look so warm and snuggly. Need a buddy to cuddle with?

Frenchie Snorts

Joe Stains said... 6:15 PM

You look totally snug!

Moco said... 6:51 PM

Snug as a Ruby bug in a warm toasty blanket. Nap on!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 9:45 PM

Hi Ruby, I'm sleepy too. I voted for you for pawsome blog award. :) I hope you win

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said... 10:23 PM

You're almost camouflaged Ruby.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:52 AM

I think that blanket is big enough, just about.
Simba x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 3:17 AM

wow, what excellent camoflage Ruby dearest one, I almost missed your sweet face in the middle there!

Love and licks, Marvin xxxx

umekotyan said... 5:18 AM

Good evening ruby.
It is an art of invisibility of ruby. :)

from loved ume tyan

Stanley said... 12:45 AM

Ruby Bug!

I think Moco is absconding with my term of endearment for you, but that makes me SMILE... because you, my bug, make me SMILE!

Are you taking fashion tips from Ike these days?

Goober love & sleepy smooches,