Day 9

Saturday, December 22, 2007

On the ninth post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

More ornaments from my Christmas Tree!

Sorry for the late post, but Mom and I have been very busy doing holiday things like vacuuming and laundry and dusting (yes, she seems to only do these things on the holidays - hee, hee, hee). Anyhowl, thought I would share some more ornaments with you all...

This little fellow is an aardvark from Costa least that's what Mom tells me.

This is from one of my Mom's favorite movies, Monsters, Inc.

Do you see this? Santa is nekkid!!! I think this is what Mom thought Christmas would be like when she moved to California...nope, it was 32 degrees this morning!!!

This is a very pretty blue glass bubble. Mom's got a bunch of glass bubbables on the pretty with the lights.

ooooh, and a glass star too!

This is an interesting one, don't you think? Wonder where Mom got this one!!!

It's Rudolph!!! We've got all the Misfit Toys and his girlfriend Clarice too!

OK, I don't think this one is that cute, but Mom said I should show it because it's made out of paper and she thinks it is cool. Whatever...

This really isn't an ornament. First Santa is nekkid, now he's wearing a dress...this is mighty weird.

And last one for today, this is Suzy, Mom's favorite holiday stuffie. She's from Alaska. She looks like she'd be fun to play with, don't you think?


14 Responses to "Day 9"

Mack said... 4:36 PM

Wow! What pretty ornaments!
It was 32 degrees at your house?! Oh my - I hope you got to snuggle with your mom!
Christmas Sugars,

Anonymous said... 5:06 PM


What is up with you and Mack, Stanley may get a little jellyfish.

By the way Mac is a handsone gent.

Love hugs and bellyrubs


Pee-s is Auntie Kathy there yet?

Lizzy said... 5:18 PM

Those are all great ornaments! I like the Rudolph one.

Christmas is coming so fast!


Anonymous said... 7:25 PM

Those ornaments are great - we especially liked the surfing santa!!


Sophie Brador said... 7:38 PM

HEY Ruby, That Alaskan stuffie looks fantastic! Does it squeak? thanks for all your super sweet well wishes. You are so totally the best ever!


Gus said... 7:55 PM

um, Ruby. Just a cautionary word. Stay away from the Alaskan stuffie. I think it is not intended for the likes of us. The wise dog learns from the experience of others, OK?


Lorenza said... 8:45 PM

Hi, Ruby
You have beautiful ornaments on your tree! Looks like your mom likes to collect them from around the world. Tell her that we will send her one from Mexico for the next year, ok?
Have a good night

Stanley said... 9:27 PM

Ruby Girl!

I think you need to take Suzy out for a little spin. Wish I could teleport over to your place for a warming snuggle with you. 32 degrees is a little cold... even for NoCal.

Goober love & hot hot smooches,

Amber-Mae said... 12:37 AM

Hey, those ornaments are soooo cute!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said... 1:09 AM

Don't you think Christmas baubles are just the best??? We love yours, they're so festive.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Duke said... 2:37 AM

Your ornies are all so pretty, Ruby! We love the glass star best!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 6:20 AM

You have some very nice ornaments on your tree. Ours just has lights. Dad was afraid that Louie would think they were toys and chew them up. He chews everything now days!! I sure hope he grows up soon so he quits chewing on me.....

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 6:50 AM

ahem! I think your Christmas Tree should be X-rated.....what with a Naked Santa and one in a Dress!!!!

What is the world coming to?

love and laughing licks, your friend in Scotland, Marvn xxxxxx or even Marvin!!!!!!

Jen and Suki said... 9:05 PM

OMD I would like to rip into Suzy... in a good way, of course! I <3 stuffies.