Day 3 - Bonus

Sunday, December 16, 2007

On the 3rd *BONUS* post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

A new friend on DWB!

Hi again...a quick Day 3 bonus. My Dogster pal Mack now has a blog - W00t! I met Mack a few months ago...he's a very special friend. We've been exchanging emails and dogster prezzies. I sure hope Stanny doesn't get too jellyfish...after all he does have other girlpups AND many, many admirers.

Make sure you all stop by and give Mack a big DWB welcome...tell him I sent ya!!!


14 Responses to "Day 3 - Bonus"

Mack said... 6:57 PM

I am so honored to be a day three bonus!! wOOt as you would say! You are such a good friend Ruby! Love ya,

Lorenza said... 7:03 PM

Hi, Ruby
Thanks for telling us about Mack. I am going to say hello to him!
Have a good night

Emily and Ike said... 7:27 PM

I just met him and he's awesome because he's 30lbs!

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 8:45 PM

Hi Ruby,
Thanks for introducing your friend. We will head over and say woof. Air Ruby looks pawsome with the skis.

Four Pugz

Myeo said... 9:52 PM


Thanks for introducing him. We are heading down to his blog now.

Boy n Baby

Stanley said... 10:06 PM

Ruby Bug!

Don't get me wrong, girlie. I know you're your own pup and make your own decisions, but I can't help but be a little jelly now, can I? Obviously, Mack has good taste (at least he's got THAT going for him). I'll go by and offer him the paw of friendship... for your sake, ok?

Goober love & big smooches,

Joe Stains said... 10:36 PM

yay another boston, I will head on over!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:37 PM

Oh a new friend. That's pawsome. I'm going over to say hi

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said... 12:27 AM

Oh, I will head over to his bloggy now!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said... 2:50 AM

We're on our way over to say hi!
Thanks for telling us, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said... 4:33 AM

We went and said hi.

Gus said... 7:19 AM

We're droppin by in a sec, just wanted to say thank you for the safe and secure transport.


Asta said... 7:29 AM

I'll go say hi, but fiwst, let me tell you have a pawsome Nanny!!! She came to visit me and we ad a gweat time!!!she bwought me an Owange toy(she wemembewed) and tweats(two kinds) and scwitchied me and gave me kisses awe so lucky!!!
thanks fow shawing hew with me! Next time i hope you come along too
smoochie kisses

Jen and Suki said... 7:44 PM

Mack is cool! I like how he's too cool to wear two socks - only one! What a trend setter.