Day 11

Monday, December 24, 2007

On the eleventh post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

Tonight Santa's gonna visit me...

Oh my dogness...Santa is coming! Santa is coming! We better get ready...Mom, we need those snackies for Santa and the reindeer!!! STAT!!! (Ruby's Mom: Don't worry, he's not here yet. All you're hearing is the FedEx truck outside.)

This the special cup and plate we will be leaving for Santa. Don't worry, there's really only hot chocolate in there...we want to make sure Santa doesn't get all 'Blitzen' - hee, hee, hee.

Nice selection of cookies...except you'll notice, Mom never made any salmon cookies for Santa. I hope he won't be disappointed.

Now Mom, do you really think 5 apples are enough for 9 reindeer??? (Ruby's Mom: Ruby, I'm headed out to the store in a little bit, I'll pick up some carrots for them, stop worrying, OK! Santa and the reindeer will love anything you leave them.)

OK, here I am like a good girl settling in to sleep...dreaming of all the things I'm hoping Santa will bring me!!!
Have a good night pups! Make sure to get to bed early!
Merry Christmas Eve!!!


17 Responses to "Day 11"

Mack said... 10:16 AM

looks like Stanny has a little competition!!
You would be the bestest Christmas pressie ever Wonder Rubes! Why do you have to live so far away??!

You just look so adorable by the fireplace...
Christmas sugars,

Martha said... 10:47 AM

Merry Christmas, Ruby! Love, Martha

Anonymous said... 12:41 PM

Oh, so Mack is in the picture, hee, hee,

Well did she get there yet? No not Sanya Paws Aunt Kathy?

Love, hugs and belly rubs


Peanut said... 1:24 PM

Merry Christmas to you Ruby

Anonymous said... 1:47 PM

WOOO Merry Christmas Eve! I took a nap earlier and thought Santa Paws would come. Mom told me when I go to sleep that he will come. So, I went to sleep and he did not come. I told her she fibbed to me, but she reminded me that it was not night time!

Duke said... 3:40 PM

We hope Santa brings you everything you're dreaming about, Ruby!
Merry Christmas to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby said... 8:36 PM


Merry Christmas to you and your family Ruby! May all your Christmas wishes come true.

Your pal,

Lizzy said... 9:36 PM

Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Goofy said... 10:07 PM


The WriggleButts said... 10:11 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby! We hope all went well with you Christmas prep and that Santa arrived with plenty of pressies for you!

Pugs'n hugs,
the WriggleButts

Stanley said... 11:00 PM

Ruby Bug!

Hey, sweet thing. If there's any way I can fit in the fat man's prezzie sack, I'll have him bring me to NoCal for you. If not, then I'm sending a boatload of gooberliciousness lovin' and white hot smooches your way.

About Mack, I don't mind a little competition. I can't help it if other dogs have excellent taste in pupgirls! I'm sure he's not the only other pup who would like to vie for your attention.

Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanny

Lorenza said... 11:10 PM

Merry Christmas Ruby and Mom!
I hope Santa granted all your wishes!
Kisses and hugs

Dining Alone said... 11:38 PM

You guys left some great stuff for Santa! Merry Christmas!!

Stella said... 12:37 AM

Miss Ruby girl!

I see that Mr. Mack is a cute Boston boy. Are you thinking about leaving my bruzzer, Stanley? I hope not.

Have a Merry Merry Christmas!

Gooby love & kissies,

Amber-Mae said... 1:00 AM

Snata is on his way! Merry X'mas to you Ruby!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Urban Smoothie Read said... 6:30 AM

finally after a long wait...

christmas is HERE !!

Ferndoggle said... 7:39 PM

Hey! We have those Reindeer plates! Mom says I'm Vixen.
